Tuesday, September 14, 2010


So, I knoooowwww I havn't had an actual blogpost in a little while. The internet's been playing up and so it's been frustrating to attempt to do anything. In fact, the router ended up fizzling out entirely this morning. However, after the acquisition of a new router and some gentle prodding by Felix (who can go have a glass of chilli sauce [not much of a drink] for his insubordination), I'm back, baby!

Though there's not really much to report at the moment. Layli's been feeding Buffy to my eyeballs. I also watched Serenity, which was definitely good but a little bit of a letdown in some areas. Oh, and the American version of Cream Soda is amazing. More ice-creamey. Also brown. Ours is pink, so...yeah. It was a little odd, I guess.

I posted this story on my facebook, but I'll go into more detail here; I became 'The Australian Guy' for a few moments yesterday when I went in and bought a book from the Salvation Army. I was fumbling with the coins (it was 37 cents) trying to figure out which was which, and remember how much a nickel and a dime were worth and such, and this woman was looking at me as if I were some alien from the outer rims of the galaxy. With a mental deficiency. So I said "Sorry, I'm not used to these coins, I'm from Australia."
"Australia? You're from Australia?"
"Yeah. I'm just lucky I didn't end up trying to give you Australian coins."
"Wow, this must be your first rodeo up here! Wait, Australian coins? Can I see the Australian coins?" I didn't mention I wasn't going to the rodeo.
"Sure, here's a five-cent and a two-dollar, it's all I've got on me." I've a few of the former on me, only one of the latter. I need to visit a changing place so I can show them to my friends.
"Oh wow!" She called a friend over from the other checkout. "Look at the Australian penny!"
"Actually that's a two dollar coin."
They both basically went googly at that point. It was kinda adorable, really.

I got Layli to try English Toffee for the first time, and she liked it a lot. I also got my mother a present!
As I was preparing to leave for America, my mum insisted I get her some turqoise. "None of that tourist crap! Real stuff! It has to be real turqoise!" she said. So, yesterday, as we were wandering around town, we walked past a jewellery store. And, as luck would have it, they were having a 30% off sale on turqoise and silver! So i got my mum a pair of earings and a ring, both with turqoise and red deep-sea coral.
I think they're purty :3

I'm not sure my mum reads this, though I did put the link in her favourites.

What else happened in the past couple days? Oh, I saw an adorable car that I had to take a picture of. Just because of its numberplate.
  You might not be able to see, but it says "BUG NN."

Oh, and kitties. A picture of one of Layli's family's cats, Luke, was the first picture taken with the new camera.
...However, the internet is being a 'tard again so I can't upload it D: Eventually there will be a picture up of Luke and also one of the neighbour's cats who seems to live under Layli's family's porch. They're adorable :3


  1. Insubordination, eh? What can I say, I do one thing, and I do it well.

    That Salvation Army woman can READ MINDS! Run, run! And the whole outer rims of the galaxy has nothing to do with the coins.

    The beeeeeard.

    Nice post though. I'm pro-kitties, pro-beetles.

  2. Where's *MY* present? My present to you is my now-current blondeness.

  3. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs350.ash2/63048_1592770582995_1347812603_1560876_5143848_n.jpg <---present!

  4. Yeah, I want a present too! Nyeeeeh! Nyeeeeeh!
